Syrian Expatriate Medical Association -SEMA- has been working for seven years and, knowing that supporting low-income and poor families of displaced people and residents is badly required to alleviate suffering and stop people getting displaced out of their areas. With the little support granted, it was a must to turn to the kind-hearted souls all over the world to support these projects to prevent the collapse of the health system in this region and ensure the basic needs of the people from necessary medical services, and care for vulnerable groups, especially children, women and the elderly are met
Syrian Expatriate Medical Association -SEMA- has been working for seven years and, knowing that supporting low-income and poor families of displaced people and residents is badly required to alleviate suffering and stop people getting displaced out of their areas. With the little support granted, it was a must to turn to the kind-hearted souls all over the world to support these projects to prevent the collapse of the health system in this region and ensure the basic needs of the people from necessary medical services, and care for vulnerable groups, especially children, women and the elderly are met
Aim of the project: Contributing in alleviating the suffering of patients by sponsoring their medical care, whether they are displaced or residents of the area . Description of the project: According to the need’s assessment conducted by the Association in the governorate of Idlib and its surrounding areas, Idlib Specialist Surgical Hospital is considered the central hospital in the city, where it serves at least one million people in the city of Idlib and it also provides quality consultation and surgical services. Based on a study of the average cost of surgical operations in the various sections of the specialized hospital and the women’s section (sponsoring a pregnant woman), it was found that the financial cost is very high on both the residents and the displaced civilians in comparison to their monthly income. That’s why it is a must to find a new source for sponsoring these civilians.
The project will sponsor 30 patients per month for 10 months for a variety of operations as follows: • Sponsoring 20 Surgical operations • Sponsoring 10 Caesarean sections for women
The sponsorship will include the cost of medical consultation, surgeries, and the medicines used during and after operations (pain killers- anesthesia drugs- antibiotics- intravenous fluids) in addition to laboratory investigations and x-rays.
The cost of each operation is around $150.
The project works towards the alleviation of peoples suffering from the local community as well as the displaced people in Idlib and it will encourage the health workers to stay.
The targeted group of patients: All the patients and people in need especially the women, children, newborn, and elderly who are affected by different incidents.
The summary of the Idlib Specialist Surgical Hospital is:
The hospital is located in Idlib within a medical building made of 3 floors, and the hospital became operational since 1/4/2015 • The hospital is mainly surgical; besides other clinical, laboratory, blood bank, x-ray, and ambulance services. Also, Women’s and children departments have been newly opened which provide services to a large number of benefiters especially free Caesarean section with the medicines and consumables related to the operation. • All the services are free of charge and most of them work round the clock 24/7. • The hospital serves around 8000 patients monthly • Around 1 million people are in the catchment area of the hospital.
Link to video about the Specialist Surgical Hospital:
Contribute with us by supporting the campaign “Sponsor 30 Patients in Syria” and alleviate the suffering of the sick and needy.
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